Friday, February 18, 2011


  1. SUP BR0

    I think these two work well together, I like the icons you made. I'd say mess around with the arrangement of the icons, 'cause when they repeat they kinda line up and it's a little obvious as to where things begin and end. The red one is a little more successful than the blue one in terms of repeat and arrangement. But that's about it, it's still super cool.

    Oh what might be fun is if you maybe rotated some of the icons so that things were turned in different directions, it'd give the pattern more versatility perhaps.


  2. Color relationship: I feel that the second pattern is much more successful with keeping a cohesive color pallet, the red in the top one takes a bit too much of my attention and I have trouble looking at anything but the figure. This also goes into the readability of the piece, where the second one feels much more together.

    With the toss, I feel that it feels a bit too organized, mostly with your first one. I feel that it'd be really cool if you made the objects smaller so you could fit more, and maybe play with rotation so it doesn't have such a strong vertical emphasis.

    The relationship between the two patterns is nice, I can tell that they are both vampire themed and they work well together. I find your icons to be just great, I like how you have such nice shading on the mallet, and I love that onion. I can tell that that vampire is really awesome as well, I'd like to see a detail of it.

  3. I agree with what Linda said and would also say you may want to play with scale of the icons and where they are placed. The icons themselves are stellar and really well done but you may want to try out some other arrangements to really make the patterns work.

  4. Good concept, great icons. My eyes get bored really fast though. So maybe analyze how your eye moves throughout the piece and play with position and composition?

  5. Hooray for vampires! :D
    I really like these the images you chose are magical and hilarious and both the main and side pattern fit together well. I like that you used similar images in both of them, it really ties them together yet I feel like they could stand on their own.
    Yet the main pattern almost seems a wee bit busy? That might be how it's cropped though. That or Blogger was not being kind or something but it seems squished.

  6. Tittays, I like the icons a lot the background colors could be a little bit less saturated but aside from that its a very fun pattern

  7. Super dope images lol i really like both patterns I would like to see more play with spacing and maybe try using some transparencies like on the skull for example but maybe the dark gray shadows is what you were goin for but I could see it bein used on the cross and fangs too idk just an idea. Overall I like the character to this pattern

  8. Hey! Can you do me a favor and go to " edit post " and see if you can throw your main tiles in this one so you can see them along side this? Let me know if you have any questions! I can help!
