Friday, April 29, 2011

background with characters


  1. Ah! This is oh so pretty! I love the sunset hazyness of your background and the lighting is wonderful. Maybe with your people though I wouldn't use the line art since there isn't lines in the background. It makes them stick out a little too much. I love though the monkey on the rock, since he is so nicely silhouetted in purple it works great with the lighting.
    I think the story works alright I feel like it is different moment of time in the same spot. But they are different stories themselves. Maybe connect them more a little bit?

  2. I love so many of the details in this -- your color palette, the way you worked with texture and composition, etc. I like that the monkey and spear-guy and boat are silhouetted while the other characters get more rendered.
    I don't really understand it as a narration since there don't seem to be any characters that stay from one frame to the next.. but as a story about the place itself, rather than a setting for a story, I think it totally works.
    One thing that would be cool is some characters coming a little closer to the foreground

    The moon might be my favorite part :]

  3. I love it! It's so pretty. It'd be cool if you made the mermaid peer at us from the frontmost/foreground area, etc. Everything is kinda middle-groundish, minus the boat and stuff.

  4. I don't really understand this as a narrative but I really like it. The background itself is really nice and I like the wide range of scenarios you built around it. Some of the characters don't blend in super well but I think it's just a matter of adding some shadows. I think this sort of thing could add a lot to your comics fsho. Well done

  5. These are really funny. No real narrative, but it could be that the narrative is time as it passes and different things taking place at this beach. So for me, it still works. I love the colors. I also like how you used the brushes to build texture. VERY NICE.

  6. Dinosaur, Mermaid, Ostrich. What's not to like? Way to be original. Also, great purply tint in the shadows of the orange rocks.

  7. Your color is really great, also i like teh guy spear hunting nessy that is a really nice touch. I am assuming it is supposed to be like a dramatic time lapse, like cromagnum man to almost modern, I am not sure about the last frame, mostly because it is a dude hanging out with an osrtiche. I support it, but it doesn't really have the same sense of time that the other few panels have.

  8. The background's atmosphere is really great, pretty colors! Though right off the bat, as a sequence, they don't make sense because a common character isn't present in any of them... The way you painted the rocks with all that texture is great, but I wouldn't have the characters outlined so much (mostly in the mermaid one) because they look a little out of place with an outline.

  9. Those rocks, soo awesome. I really like the texture and your colors are pretty cool as well. I really like how you have an orangey background with purple characters, the colors feel really nice together. nice work!

  10. The background on this is killer. It really has a beautiful nostalgic quality - I think it's the color, but I also think it looks really inviting and super romantic. I think I told you all of this already, but I love it. The way you're including unexpected colors in the shadows is fantastic.
    I like how it carries over into the characters, but I have to say - I totally don't know what's going on with the story!! It seems like maybe the passage of time over some eons? or something?
    I could see you doing more of one of the sets of characters or something - maybe the top or middle one???

    I could also see you working with some things in the super foreground, too! Maybe some things way off in the distance, just mixing up the places where we see your characters enter and exit!
    Also - I just wanted to thank you for being awesome in class. You are super talented. Your stuff is really fun and unexpected (subject wise ) but you always create it in a way that has a lot of depth and that's really sophisticated. I loved the doll-house piece, and I am super honored that you shared your comic final with me. I love it. I just wanted to say I really enjoyed having class with you and I really hope you keep in touch! If you keep going with digital, please send me an update every now and again! I'd love to see where you go from here :)
