Friday, April 15, 2011

Will it work?

Direct computer to blog upload

From Flickr

I don't think either work...):


  1. Check out the highlights and shadows on this! The nice contrast really goes with the element of fire since fire makes things pretty contrasty. I think the hair and fire in the bg could be a little wilder... the fire in the bg reminds me of a small candle flame. It would also be really cool to add a reflection of fire in his eyes! The colors definitely say fire!

  2. it's sooo shiny and nicely rendered in the face! really awesome. i like that you contrasted really detailed areas with the more loose background, but i think you could have treated that looseness in a more interesting way -- maybe try some different brushes that really express fire, either with texture or line quality or something?
    other than that great work, i like your color scheme too, and the expression is really funny.
