Friday, March 11, 2011

Emiller Rats attack (black plauge!)

Finished! Click on it for a larger version!



Flat color



  1. Cool. I feel like the composition is kinda split in half...I'm not sure how to explain it, but it seems like something is missing. Or maybe not, maybe the elements just need to be shifted around.

  2. Your rats look wonderfully sinister, and I think there's a lot of energy and interest in the way you've rendered them.

  3. I think that you had a very good idea for the composition of the piece. I works really well to put the focus where you want it. I also like the amount of line work that you used in the main elements of the piece. The expressive, gestural line work really adds to the mood of the piece. One thing I think that could be improved would be to change or get rid of the eyes in the background. Right now they don't really seem to fit in with the rest of the piece. Though, overall I think it fits very well with the plague theme and is drawn and colored very well.

  4. I kinda see what Linda is saying-- maybe if the other rat was closer to the hand but still cropped a bit, it would feel more tied together.

    Anyway, I like how you retained the sketchy line quality from the original sketch and enhanced it with some painting. The colors do a sweet job of making this a pretty sickly scene. Even the detail on the hand (making it black because of the plague) gives it some historical accuracy that I like. One thing that would be helpful in the bg is to add some more texture. You've got a good amount in the foreground, and adding a little in the back would help balance it.

  5. ewwwww. I like the hand just sticking in there, that's kinda funny. I think if you just continued the surface instead of putting the eyes there and moving the further back rat a bit up the composition would be a little stronger. The colors are very gloomy. Good job.

  6. Wonderful! I love your color choices and the texture from your drawing. Everything overall feels so nice, I would just recommend making the objects larger because that space between feels a bit off to me.

  7. I like the color palette you used for the whole image..really nasty!! I would have to agree with mason the background seems kinda flat with just all the eyes right there although I do like the idea. Maybe play with gradient from the floor to the background where all the rats are to kinda merge better and maybe adding glow to their eyes would be super sick

  8. This is a really cool set- up. your rats look terrifying. I like how you have a lot of great linework in your sketch, and it would be cool to somehow let it show up more in your final! Maybe you could choose another color that was slightly different than that black, so it didn't get lost? Maybe light grey? Grey Blue?

    I think that the way that you're including the hand is also really neat, like we're not seeing the whole grisly scene, but just getting a little bit of it. I think the eyes in the bkgrd are a nice touch, but maybe you could also add a couple more rats? Or maybe some books on the floor? Or some refuse or whatever to bridge the gap between the foreground and the bkgrd? Super creepy!
