Friday, January 14, 2011

Lindsay Nohl - Assignment 1 : In Class


Here is the original and the finished piece for our in-class assignment; day 1 of Mcad's Digital Illustration Class!
On the Left is a clip of a painter-painting I had done a month ago, and on the right is an image of the illustrator study I've done for the in-class workshop.

Here is an in-progress shot of the wireframe behind all of the artwork. This is where I started to create all the shapes and big objects.

This screen-shot is of the color shapes I created before finishing it up.
The last step was to use transparency and opacity to make my shadows a little more believable, and for my highlights and details to really look like they merged a little more with the piece.

finishedgirl _ Lindsay Nohl _ Ast1
Here is a less - cropped, more finished version of the piece

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