Friday, November 18, 2011

maya kern - portrait of jane crocker

jane crocker

I used a variety of brushes, mostly using the oil pastels, but also working with the hard pastel and chalk brushes.


  1. This is so cute! The shadows are really nicely done, as well as the way you rendered the glasses. I think it would be beneficial to maybe add some small bluish tones in to the upper torso/neck area to balance out her bold hair and to set her skin tone apart from the background a bit more. Awesome job!

  2. this kind of color pallet always seems to work well for you. (: the extra touches of highlight in her hair and eyes pull it together.

  3. I like how you added the purple and pink hues to be the shadow and highlights on the hair and face. I also like how you added the subtle shine on the rim of the glasses and the inside lens. Also nice white hot highlights as well

  4. Hehe SO cute! Perfect for the cutie that she is :) I love the way you did the teeth they are so cute! there is an abrupt transition between the head and the neck though that could be fixed up by fixing some values around the chin and jaw area. I love the way you do your shines and those glasses look super good (which I am envious of because glasses are so hard to draw)

  5. Nice work on the eyes they really pull you in to the piece. There is not to much I would change with this one. The only thing I would change which is more of a personal preference is the piece of hair that pokes out on the right. I would like to see the little strands of hair replaced with more feathered out stands similar to the ones you did with the curls by the eyes I really like that. Great work on the color choice and the transition between the background and shoulders. I also like all the variations of hair styles you went through the highlights in the hair give it that little extra amount of edginess that really makes it pop. Great work.

  6. Love seeing this come together in your GIF! way to be a gif-rockstar!! :) I love the way you're using color in this. great job bringing the purples into the shadows, and the reds into the rest of the piece. I think it is really nicely unified! I'm also a huge fan of the final hot-spots and shines. I love seeing the super hot teeth and shines on her face - its a great way to add so much dimension without doing a lot! I think the only thing I 'd love to see is how you could add a touch of hair texture into her hair! It looks so glassy and smooth - much like hte texture of her skin, but I think yo ucould quickly add just a few stray hairs that are reflecting light, or maybe just a couple of hot streaks where he light would hit, and that would do it! I also think yo ucoudl even reflect a little more red/pink from the bkgrd into her hair to see it shine!! Nice job with this - i'm really looking forward to seeing you use painter more!
