Friday, November 11, 2011

Neptune the God of water

Neptune: The God of water and the sea in greek mythology and religion. He is analogous with, but not identical to the Greek god Poseidon. In the Greek-influenced tradition, Neptune was the brother of Jupiter and Pluto, each of them presiding over one of the three realms of the universe, Heaven, Earth and the Netherworld. 

I wanted him to appear as if he was part of the ocean floor, (hence the darker colors)


  1. Great use of the water flowing it really pulls the image and photo together. I would like to see more textures on Neptune because it still feels a little out of place between all the photo clippings. But I do like the the color scheme work really well with the rocks and sky.

  2. I really like the water spray and how it merges the god and the rocks together. I would like to see more color on the god. Maybe you could bring in the slight warmer hue in the clouds to add a light to the guy. He just needs a little more shadow so he doesn't look so flat.

  3. The image looks very powerful, I like the way you integrated the water splashes coming up, it's convincing. The figure has a good pose. You could do some more to make him look more integrated with the photo because the rocks are very bumpy and three dimensional, so that poses a bit of a challenge being that your environment is very textured, so you're figure might need some more value or texture

  4. Great job with the splashing water. It has realistic depth subtleties that make it feel like part of the photo. However, Neptune's shading/lighting is quite flat. The area where the hand cuts through the fog is a nice touch and helps the hand pop forward, I think you just need to flesh out some highlights in the rest of his body.

  5. Great job merging a couple photos together. I like how you're creating a space for him that feels as epic and powerful as he is. I like that youre also using colors in him that mimic the color of the rocks - I could see you adding a little bit more of the purples and browns that are in the rock as well - whether you do it with lighting, or just to add a little bit of color in the shadows. I think it would add a TON of depth to him and make him see more filled with volume. I could also see you plaing with the way that the water slashes on him - maybe it is beading up on the ends of his trident, or his face? You know what I mean? Make the falling parts of the water interact with his skin in a couple places! I love the detail in the figure and the way your'e interpreting the shadows and detail in his hair. and body. I would love to see more process shots of what the photo looked like before the photoshop!
